Shout by drqshadow

Argo 2012

Ben Affleck's latest bit of Oscar bait effectively balls up the tension, drama and political tripwires of the Iranian hostage crisis without feeling overly dense or inapproachable. An impressive, authentic collection of '70s wardrobe and scenery is partially to thank, with bad hair and cigarette smoke billowing about freely, and goes a long ways toward immersing its audience in the era. The abundance of distinct, colorful characters and speedy editing, though, are what I found most appreciable.

At times it almost feels like one long montage, with a short attention span and lots of quick cuts, but a nose for pertinent info and several key performances from its cast add enough substance to flesh things out nicely. Although Affleck's grim, game-faced leading character is often subdued to a fault, his Hollywood contacts (Alan Arkin and John Goodman), Washington supervisor (Bryan Cranston) and scared-stiff American refugees make up for those inadequacies with vigor.

Alternatingly funny, adventurous, powerful and intense, it's a melting pot of emotion with a hectic, exhilarating third act.

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