Shout by drqshadow

Caddyshack 1980

Harmless fun from the very early 1980's, wheelhouse of the teen sex comedy. Rodney Dangerfield and Chevy Chase are in the zone throughout, milking their most famous traits for all they're worth, while Bill Murray is largely wasted as the brain-dead burnout on the trail of a muppet gopher. A few iconic scenes from this one still linger in the public lexicon, like the wrapper-free Baby Ruth floating in the swimming pool or Chase's zen tee-box mantra of "nanananana."

Close examination of the plot reveals dozens of holes, an almost complete lack of risk to the main players and a misplaced focus... but that's not really the point. A joyously carefree approach to filmmaking, it was quite clearly a non-stop party that just so happened to commit 98 minutes of semi-coherent story to film. Some punchlines may have lost their edge over time, but those that haven't are surefire winners; enough to make up for the very dated general atmosphere.

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