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Mythic Quest 2020

this is so great, i dont get the hate. i was only going go test the pilot and ended up seeing it all in a row . funny, witty, smart!

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@pedro I get the hate - It is a show targeted at gamers which makes total ridicule of gamers.

14 year old streamers (They exist, but they are the exception, not the rule), permadeath in MMO's (there was one once in development, it flopped like that..., a pay to win game being the most successful on the market (yeah, Blizz might sell cosmetic for ridiculous prices, but at least it doesn't increase your chances) - just a few examples of what people might take offense with.

The show reads like a bad ad, telling us that its ok to pay a few hundred bucks for a few minutes of fun - especially coming from apple hosting more mobile than desktop games on its platforms.


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@player8472 lol im a gamer, but why are ppl that play mmos focus on what type of mmo ´is?! i didnt even though about that to be honest.
also almost all games these days are pay2win. and almost all great streamers get perks ;)
