I agree that some characters are making dumb decisions, but they are in line with their characters. Kinsey simply has no fear. It's totally logic, that she does, what she wants or likes. Because she doesn't just have no fear for herself, but she also has no fear for others.
Gabe on the other hand simply tries to get Kinseys attention, that's why he supported her actions.
So yes, there are dumb decisions made, but I think they fit the characters at the moment. :)
I like it, when shows try to invert the characters we like, when it makes sense. And here it does, I think. :)

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@hallorian making rational decisions doesn’t have to do anything with fear. In her situation it was about acting like a proper human being. It’s not “in character”. She is getting addicted to the power and became irrationally absorbed by the rush of controlling someone. Decency nor rationality have got anything to do with fear. She’s just an asshole. Or psychopath if you will - lacking all empathy in the moment.

@kyria-crosszeria Yes that's true, but the lack of empathy already started in the episode before, when she buried her "fear". She thinks, that she became kind of invincible without her fear. And she would have never done, what she did in this episode without that, aaand without Gade, who constantly pushed her in a moment, where she wants to be strong, because she couldn't be "strong" before. (Even though we obviously all know, that this is not the right thing to do) :)
But I have to agree, that they weren't really continuing this new "problem" of her character. It just kind of faded, which is unfortunate, because it could have been really interesting and important to make clear, that what she did, just wasn't right and very unmature of course. Especially because the "bully" was just mean basically. So her actions weren't justified at all.

I don't think, they did an amazing job with this character and her "turn", but for this kind of entertainment-show, it was fine I think.
But again, her actions were very unmature and wrong in every way. I wish it had made a bigger impact on her and the story. That was a big mistake in my opinion. :)

@hallorian Kinsey is 16 years old, think what would you do with a magic box and an asshole person when you Washington 16 hahaha

@hallorian ... absolutely not. Fear is one of many factors that go into decisions. People still make good decisions when they aren't afraid. Kinsey is just making poor decisions for no reason. They most definitely aren't inline with the character. We see in the first several episodes that Kinsey is a fairly levelheaded individual. That wouldn't change because she isn't afraid any more.

@joyalexxa yes there are idiots, but most teenagers just use being a teenager as an excuse to be stupid. Kinsey is very obviously not one one these based on her portrayal in the first couple of episodes. Removing her fear is not going to change her character.
