Shout by LeftHandedGuitarist

The Expanse: Season 1

1x03 Remember the Cant

I have to be honest, I really don't understand the factions and politics present here. Am I not paying enough attention, or is the show doing a poor job of explaining?

My only impressions so far:
- OPA: some kind of terrorist group. Bad.
- Belters: Gangs, criminals, violent, corrupt. Bad.
- Earth: elite, ignorant of others plight. Bad.
- Mars: isolationist, seen as a threat by everyone. Bad.

Surely this can't be right?

However, this episode was better for characters. People really seem to dislike each other but at least there was some reasoning behind it this time.

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@lefthandedguitarist that's kinda the point. You can't attribute simplistic moral reasoning as good and bad. Everyone has shades of grey, like actual people in real life.

@xaliber That's this issue, at this point I'm not seeing the shades of grey. The writing and performances are not allowing any subtleties to come through. I'm much further ahead now and I can see it gets better in that regard.

OPA is an independence movement, for now not yet a terrorist group. They would be considered one if they actually destroyed the Cant.
