Review by Bogex

These teams of 4 judges seem like uncalled-for complications this season. Why not stick with teams of 2? And even here, despite loving Kid Milli as a person, I have to agree with the negative reactions: he raps well, but I don't think he's judge-material. BewhY may be because he produces as well as he raps, so he can see both sides like Giri - but Kid Milli... Eh, we'll have to see.
Also, from these 8 judges, I'm only unfamiliar with Boycold and Millic, so I'll have to see them in action too to see how they are. I may have heard like one or two of their featurings (well, beats) in some songs, but otherwise than that, I don't know anything about them.

Whaaaaat?? GIRI! Choi Eunseo was great and you didn't even let him finish, but you passed that heart-shaped-haired, irritating-voiced kid??
And Milli?? Letting that nutcase Jiho advance?? Wtf is wrong with judges, smh.

Haha, Swervy seems a little bit off, but she's adorable waving to her labelmate oppas. xD

Ehh, EK... I think he did the same as (or maybe even worse than) in the previous season, so in Verbal Jint's place I may not have given him a necklace. I think if past contestants are allowed to participate in SMTM again, they have to show improved rap skills in order to advance so that the first-timers won't get that much of a disadvantage.
The same goes for YoungB, but his case is even more infuriating. Why tf just "come out because I was just bored and wanted to have some fun"??? Go to an amusement park, ffs... I hate this mentality in SMTM, especially at contestants who already advanced pretty far in a previous season. Just stay home if you're not going to take this seriously.

Aaand that last scene... Maybe don't show the middle finger to and insult the judges right before being judged by them... Some people are just plain stupid. :person_facepalming:

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