This one gets more over the top with its plot and it finally pays off - putting a trendy book about relationships as the centerpiece of the episode was a great idea, having Rui go crazy because Vani is obsessed with it and throw the book through the window was a bold move and moving the episode to the book's autograph party with the author alongside the return of Vani's friend, Nara and Regina Casé playing the book's author was also a great idea - there's some hilarious exchanges, between Rui's failed attempts to seduce his neighbour (who's also a fan of the book), Nara and Vani being confused for a bisexual couple and brought into gender discussions they're completely oblivious about and Cris, the neighbour, trying to lecture the author about the book's meaning, there are a dozen great scenes and back and forths, culminating on the quartet trying to "go crazy" with their sex life and attempting a foursome/menage a tróis that goes wrong. It slides dangerously over the "sexualizing lgbt people" line and uses "normal" as an anti-tesis to "bisexual" (trying to have a pun with the show's title), which probably didn't age well, but it's passable.

A good episode overall.

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