Review by KyriaCrosszeria

Locke & Key: Season 1

1x09 Echoes

Now they're trying to save the show by making people miraculously come to their senses and by sprinkling some sweet poly on top. Kudos.

But RE that whole "suicide with a plastic bag" thing. Now that we've seen how it happened... just reinforces how terrible the police force is working there. No signs of struggle? Really? He struggled quite a lot. But another plot hole seems to be how Nina is calling him right before entering his house and Ellie cuts off the call, right? I mean she could have pressed a silence button, but something about the reaction of Nina and the way Ellie handled it seemed to me like she actually declined the call. And declining a call while you're actually dead... doesn't seem suspicious? Plus his phone actually missing from the scene of the crime... not suspicious either? Wtf police. What the. Actual. F.
Same with how the kids had actually died... if they'd had an autopsy they would have realised they hadn't drowned. :rolling_eyes:

On a side note, how do you "keep watch' while they're inside someone's head. If Dodge suddenly showed up, what will they do? Jump into the door? Knock on it, "tiiiime tooo get ouuuuttt" or... uh... I guess you'll just stay exposed.

Of course taking the key back to the crown while you're off to get it is the best idea, because there's no way Dodge would be anywhere close by, and uh... major headdesk

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