[7.6/10] This was my favorite episode of the series so far. I like how this one is tinged with regret for Picard, both professionally in how he feels like he's failed the Romulans, but also personally with how he feels like he failed Elnor. At the same time, I like that we get some of the counter-reaction here, with the local Romulans closing ranks and resenting the broken promises of the Federation and other outsider. Elnor's reaction to Picard, and their strained paternal relationship, seems like fodder for good and meaningful complexity in the show's relationships, so color me intrigued about where they go from here.

Unfortunately, the business on the other half of the show was terrible. Soji and Narek are a terrible pair, and their "spies in love, who don't trust each other" dynamic is limp as hell. Plus, what the hell is the deal with Narek and his sister. Why is the show going so strong on the bizarre incest vibes there.

But hey! Seven of Nine! Sure, the opening credits spoiled it, but she still gets a cool entrance and a badass line to join the show with. This is the first episode that left me encouraged about where we could go from here!

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@andrewbloom >quote Unfortunately, the business on the other half of the show was terrible. Soji and Narek are a terrible pair, and their "spies in love, who don't trust each other" dynamic is limp as hell.

Couldn't agree more with this. Hopefully that plot either concludes or ties up with Picard et al very soon. Aside from the plot being uninteresting and a bit naff, the characters themselves are rather meh; although I do like Peyton List. Furthermore, with Seven of Nine now being on Picard's half of the plotline, there's even less appeal in the spies-in-love plot.

@2ls1t Yeah, my one hope is that maybe once Picard and company interact with the characters on the Artifact, maybe they'll do better since they won't be stuck with the same faltering romance shtick? We can only hope!
