Review by IsharaLion

Vera: Season 10

10x03 Dirty

Vera has been on the air for 10 years now and a lot has happened. It leaves it first couple of seasons far behind in this one, as is pretty evident in this episode. It's still good, it's just lost something essential. A bit of spunk, a bit of urgence that was underneath it and I feel was fueled mostly by Brenda Blethyn. Brenda will always be a delight to watch, but that fury to do what is right that was so enticing to the character has left her a little bit. It's still there, but it has just wittled away over the years. I'm not saying her performance was bad, I'm saying it has shifted tones. Either it's because Vera has been established enough or Brenda's years are finally starting to catch up with her, being that's she's well into her 70s now. She hasn't aged at all, she looks wonderful still. But her performance has undeniably shifted. I hope she isn't growing tired, because I absolutely love her and want her to do 10 more seasons.

The episode is absolutely cramped with plot development and you have to have a good memory to follow what is actually going on. I honestly always found it convoluting and I couldn't pay much attention. Now that I have, I can really appreciate the level of detail that goes into this mini-movie they're making. And that for 3-4 episodes each year! It's really impressing. It helps they have the police set, but a lot of it happens in what appear to be real houses and locations. There must be a lot of travelling around for this and I can't imagine the logistics of keeping track of what is happening. This is why I'm so into this series, it is produced and written so well.

On to the episode at hand. Spoilers ahead!

Luke, a 28-year old cleaner guy is found by some binmen behind a dumpster. He has a wound on his head, his ribs and possibly self-inflicted chemical burn wounds on his legs, caused by bleach. The wound on his head caused his death, happening 5 hours before it. His brain was slowly filling with blood and he was literally a dead man walking. The bruising on his ribs looks irregular and potentiall has a further clue to his murderer.

At first you suspect his bosses, a maried couple who own the cleaning company. They act like they're the most caring and helpful bosses, but his ex-girlfriend and colleague Nadiya and her roommate Daisy confess to Vera and Aiden about the terrible working conditions they have to go through. Assault with bleach, unfair payment, exploitation, blackmail, terrible housing situation,... you name it, it's there. In the end the husband is arrested for assault, but has nothing to do with the murder of Luke.

Luke's father, Seth, was murdered when he was younger by a Terrence Kayle. His brother Raymond is the next big suspect. Terrence called the murder self-defense, but no one else seems to have backed this up. We learn in fact that Seth was an abusive husband and father, hitting his wife and son over many years. He was very aggressive and must have attacked Terrence immediately when he found out he was robbing his house. Luke seemed to have known this, as he had confessed this to Raymond, but he didn't want to accept it. That's why he hit Luke in the ribs (the strange bruising was from his rings), but the head wound does not seem to be made by Raymond, so he is also cast aside as a suspect.

Lastly there's Jasmine Asher, the last in the list of main suspects. When they were younger, Luke and Jasmine were a thing. But after the suicide of his neighbor Thea, who they hung out with, he broke up with her and left the town they lived in. Through the course of the episode Jasmine keeps denying things and lying about what happened in the passed. Arguing that Thea was depressed and a huge cannabis user, pushing her towards jumping of the edge of the crag. In fact, the three of them had used one joint and Jasmine had dared Thea to stand on the edge. She fell in. For years she has kept this silent, until Thea's sister, Georgia finally confronts Jasmine and her mother with this story. Luke had come to visit Jason, Thea's father, the night of his death to explain everything to him, because he felt so guilty about the whole thing. He was blackmailed by Jasmine the entire time. Instead of talking to Jason, Luke talked to Georgia, explaining everything to her instead. She grew angry and confused, starting to hit Luke overcome by emotion causing him to fall and hit his head. That caused a heamatoma in his head. Without realising it, or ever linking it together, Georgia has killed Luke.

This was an interesting conclusion to the story, mostly because the killer never realised that she killed someone, only at the very end. I think Georgia would have gone straight to the police if Luke had been instantly killed after hitting his head. She did not calculate his murder. But it's still murder.

My only comments would be is that the eventual murderer was not prominently featured in this and I kinda wanted it to go more into the subplot of the cleaning company. I could have gone without the Raymond subplot, instead filled it in with exposition of how the murder happend. I miss that, the little cinematic at the end of how it happened. It gives the actor playing the dead body for the most part of the episode something fun to do and we can better fit in the conclusion into the entire plot. That said, I do appreciate how the mystery branches off into dead ends, like a real police investigation. They cirlce around until they pinpoint the story that has the most potential to render a result.

Vera still has me, and I'll follow her adventures for as long as Brenda wants to do the role. I love you, please keep doind what you love as well!

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