Shout by KyriaCrosszeria

Waves 2019

A good movie about a topic that's been made movies off a lot lately, what with dysfunctional families/millenials, drugs and America, and all that. American Honey did it quite well, too.
The camera-work in the beginning almost nauseated me, but it was interesting camerawork nonetheless. I liked how the director used lights and colours in this. Very dramatic and neo-noiresque, I appreciated that.

I also enjoyed the different angles and takes. I had not expected the main focus and main character to shift – a pleasant surprise.

A lot of tragedy packed into one film, and many moments I was moved to tears.
So sad how hard it seems for people to just love another (and stop capslocking about important issues).
When we realise how all things have causes and effects and everything influences each other, it gets tougher to assign blame too.
But holy damn was I bothered by how they ruled a homicide by accident as "second degree murder" and "lifelong prison". What the actual fuck, that justice system is seriously fucked. Also wondering what it would have been ruled if he'd been a white guy. Yikes.

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