Review by MisterX867

Dragon Ball Z

Season 7

Review by MisterX867
BlockedParent2020-02-24T03:09:16Z— updated 2020-04-10T05:14:09Z

Other World Saga Ep. 195 - 199

I won't say much here since this is only 5 episodes long but it was quite entertaining and even nostalgic in a way. Some of my favorite moments in the original Dragon Ball were the tournaments which is what this filler arc is all about. The fighters that Goku meets all have quite nice memorable designs which includes Pikkon who's probably the most popular DBZ filler character. I'd say this saga is about 80% action with the other 20% actually building up on the lore, teaching us more about King Kai. While most of the battles can bee seen as just comedic battles the fight between Goku and Pikkon more than makes up for it. While not quite on the level as the battles in the previous world tournaments we saw on DB, this fight was still exciting, especially with how Pikkon's strength was hyped up in his 1st appearance episode.

[# of Fillers: 5 ]

Great Saiyaman Saga Ep. 200 - 209

The one saga that I remember every single person despising back in the day. Yeah I can admit it isn't a masterpiece, it's incredibly stupid but I freaking love it. It is so stupidly cheesy that I can't help but love Gohan's antics in this saga, he had me laughing the entire time. It's like the movie Commando (1985), you know it's stupid but you just can't help but love it. The fact that it's a much lighter silly tone than practically every single DBZ saga so far really makes for a nice change of pace and the extra humor was much needed after the super serious Cell sagas, it really took me back to the original Dragon Ball days. All the hate this gets most likely stems from the fact that people were probably expecting Gohan to act edgy 24/7.

We get to meet Mr Satan's daughter Videl who has quite a badass attitude you may not like her at first but she quickly grows on you, the scenes with her and Gohan aren't that bad either. Unfortunately they don't really take the time to explore Trunks and Goten, all we really learn is they're young, like to fight and that Trunks is a bit less childish than Goten. Krillin and Android 18's relationship is just thrown in out faces and their child honestly has no personality in my opinion they could've developed all this a bit in fillers but oh well.

[# of Fillers: 3 ]
Nothing exceptional in the filler episodes. Just more of Gohan's silly antics and seeing him stop some crimes with Videl.

World Tournament Saga Ep. 210 - 219
This all ends with another World Tournament, while it may sound magnificent I really find it a bit redundant if I'm being honest since we just had a filler tournament at the start of this season. Despite only ever seeing 2 fights I actually ended up liking it a bit more than the Other World tournament, though I think I'm saying that because the announcer from the original Dragon Ball returns. My favorite thing is that unlike the rest of the series the fights do not drag out at all, they all go straight to the point while still being entertaining and I'll give it big props for having what's possibly the most brutal fight in the entire series, the Videl vs Spopovitch fight actually had me cringing a bit. I was left quite disappointed that we did not see Tien and Piccolo fight in this tournament but sadly this is not Dragon Ball.

Thankfully, this saga shows off more of Trunks and Goten's mischievous and innocent personalities, they actually play off each other really well despite their differences. I really wish that Goku and Goten had gotten more screen time together though, it could've led to some nice heartwarming moments, though we get moments like that with Gohan and Videl. Kibito and Shin's introduction is very mysterious and it helped build up on the lore pretty well, although I do question on why they didn't ask the heroes for help sooner. It certainly helped me get immersed with how the next season was going to start off.

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