Review by filmtoaster

Life 2017

Holy fucking shit, I was not expecting that godforsaken ending. What a way to fuck up someone's day.

The movie itself is just above average, offering some good tension-filled moments and impressive special effects, but nothing too groundbreaking. The characters aren't given any special personalities and their backstories are given all through blatant exposition. No creativity in the character building, for this one. The alien design I found to be quite cool, as it evolved over time and consumed smaller animals and eventually humans. Going into this, I don't know why, but I was surprised by the amount of gore and violence, which I dug. I didn't realize it was a rated R film and a full-on shock horror piece, and while there is tension here and there, it's in pieces, which is a problem. There's no hanging tension in the air through the whole movie. Why are there momentary breaks where the humans are content and calmly just sitting around while a fucking alien is on the loose in the ship. Now some might say they did this in the original Alien from Ridley Scott, but that was a much larger ship and the alien was human sized. This bat-type alien is on a very small NASA research ship and could be just a couple feet away. But whatever, besides the problems the movie has, I did have fun watching it and I did get tense during quite a few parts, so props for that.

But that damn ending, I love it. I called it just a minute or two before it happened. Glad the writers took the fucking risk and made a memorable ending that sticks with you. We need more endings like this.

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