I've definitely seen worse comedies out there. I think the biggest problem I have with it, and television shows like 'Family Guy', is the over-reliance on reference humor. It's like the film makers are saying, "Hey audience members, we saw Jurassic Park movies. Look, we know memorable scenes from them. Doesn't that just make us so fucking funny?" Every scene, they're just casually listing off a popular movie, thinking that makes their own movie good. It's really gotten old. Reference humor is one of the lowest forms of comedy you can do now.

I admit, I enjoyed Zac Efron and the other actresses in their roles. There were a couple of funny scenes, but nothing really sticks out to me... except one particularly cringe-worthy massage scene in the middle of the movie. It's something straight out of Sacha Baron Cohen production, it's really crude and goes on for too long. You remember that extremely explicit elephant sex scene from 'The Brothers Grimsby'? Yeah, it's a little like that, except it's not as explicit.

A couple funny scenes are ultimately bogged down by some really terrible cringe-worthy moments, making this just another average comedy.

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