Up to this point in the season, this was the weakest episode. The only worthwhile thing to remember or mention was the ending. We now know the Bone Collector's full name, well, I do, although I seem to vaguely recall that it was mentioned before, his full name. But his first name was what stuck with me, until now. And Lincoln remembers him. That was surprising. I know he's smart and all, but considering how it took the Bone Collector's name itself for Lincoln to remember him, you'd think that the name wouldn't have made a difference, to begin with. Of course, I'm sure he never "forgot" about Peter Taylor. But the fact that it took a connection to the Bone Collector for him to be like, "Oh! That guy! Of course! HE'S the Bone Collector!", goes to show how "full of himself" he kind of is. At the very least, I imagine this will make him admit to himself that his arrogance and sense of ego is the reason he never caught the Bone Collector when he easily could've, and probably also the reason he's in a wheelchair. That should really "wake him up", so to speak.

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