Shout by Laps

Bloodshot 2020

oh dear... oh my... wait, who wrote this? *checks writer's previous credits. Aaaah, I see... I should do that before hand next time. YIKES!

Please don't watch this movie. It's not worth it. Go watch Blade or Terminator 2 or something.

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@applekobe dude, people still are watching Supergirl! Have you seen supergirl? Literally every other movie on the planet is a masterpiece after Supergirl!

how's the action of this movie?

@applekobe Please, don't exaggerate, the movie is fine and about as good as one could expect from a Vin Diesel movie. As for that lemme check writers line, that isn't helpful in the least because we all know that the same writers that have ever existed have written for movies that performed well and others that didn't so well, and vice-versa. Don't tell people what to watch, leave a comment that is helpful in explaining what you did or didn't like about the movie, that's about the only thing that is relatable. it's not worth it is a very ironic comment in that regard.
