2 reasons why I hate this movie. Most of the 1st reason has to do with the sheer dryness and lifelessness that it was and nothing to do with the gore or the beastial nature of the characters. I can tolerate violence in movies and its various forms. It's not a big deal. What really gets to me (and this is true for all films) is when a filmmaker decides to muck around without being coherent or making any actual progress. Like I love Tarantino's OUATIH and it's one of my favorites from that year but, although I admired the writing and direction of the various Brad Pitt scenes in the movie, I couldn't help but notice the sheer insignificance of his character.

So I get what the director was going for with Salo. But my beef is that I get it within the first 20 mins of the movie. I didn't need to go through the rest 100 minutes of more torture metaphors.

And the second reason is the acting. It is so bad. Even the slave actors whose roles are to literally just mimic a mannequin seem unconvincing while doing so. All of this and the bad dubbing just proves how uninterested the director was in the technical aspects and wanted just to concentrate on the shock value.

The Room was my worst movie of all time before I saw this. At least it was unintentionally funny. This is just the director masturbating to what he thinks is a tactful way of translating into screen the atrocities committed against the victims of the war.

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@thefomoguy read sade, then dante's inferno. get yourself up to speed with political theory, then the zeitgeist of that period. finally, rewatch it. please.

@9628638 Firstly, Dante's inferno refers to the stages of atrocities that the 'accused' go through in hell in the form of judgement. So I really don't want to know what you're implying here about the victims in the movie (or of the war). Secondly, referring to literature doesn't justify the bad writing and acting. Read my last sentence.

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@pamerlaedschn that's a lot you're asking for, just for watching a movie :-P
