We’re haters if we don’t act like this is the best episode, probably. But Supergirls preachy episodes aren’t when it is the most watchable. I am sure more are coming though. Since Melissa Benoist is pregnant.
They’ll probably bring James back too and have another lesson about racism. People watch shows to escape from reality. Not be reminded of it constantly.
Next Supergirl will battle the Coronavirus.

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@jim222001 I also watch tv shows to escape from reality, but I‘m still glad the writers talk about transphobia, especially with Nicole Maines in the cast.

Boo hoo. Some of us like our TV shows to have some depth and not just be escapism.

@the_argentinian It was obviously they would go there eventually. When they did it just felt like “of course.” It’s also nothing new with the CW. Most their shows are more preachy than entertaining now.

@jim222001 escape from reality??? lol you think you're living on mars or??? that's not what movies/tv shows/music/art/COMICS are made of, mate. dumb of you to think that art works that way lmao

@jim222001 judging by your comment, you sound privileged

@jim222001 Maybe stop watching TV shows based on DC comics then? Superman was created as a response to antisemitism. DC Comics has been political and targeting real-world issues from day one. The Arrowverse shows are just following in their footsteps.

Wow, IMO most of the replies here aren't respectful and some even insulting. I find @jim222001's comment perfectly reasonable (my view is different but there is neither hate nor insults in their comment and we're given a reasonable explanation).
For me this was the best episode of this season so far (I think) but I can completely understand it if not everyone loves it.
