Review by whitsbrain

GoldenEye 1995

The first and likely best of the Pierce Brosnan Bond movies. I remember thinking that Brosnan would make the perfect Bond back after Roger Moore started receiving the senior discount at Denny's. Unfortunately, contract conflicts necessitated the need to sign on the Shakespearean but stiff Timothy Dalton for a while. Once that was over, we got Brosnan to play 007 for a while.

Brosnan was slick and athletic and did a great job playing Bond. He's third on my list of best Bonds right after Connery and Craig (yeah, it's sad that I've personally ranked them). After a few movies, Brosnan seemed a little bored but for "Goldeneye" he was spot on. Maybe he is a little slight for all the brawling he is called upon to do, but when he busts through that brick wall driving the Russian tank, it's as cool of a Bond moment as any.

The final battle with Bean (Sean Bean as baddie Alec Trevelyan) is a bit long and way over the top, but it is quite an action scene. I liked Famke Janssen as henchwoman Xenia Onatopp, too. I've never seen her play a character like that before.

This is a solid James Bond adventure and certainly did a lot for the future of 007 movies. It's too bad "Die Another Day" practically killed the franchise a few years later.

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