The first John Wick was an amazing surprise that I loved. The sequel injected just enough energy to keep it fresh. John Wick 3... is just pure, undeniably awesome, headshot-filled carnage. Watching this on 82" in 4K with Dolby Atmos shaking the house is the only way it should be watched. If action is what you're craving, this is a 7 course meal. Keanu Reeves is just showing off now. And the scenes where he's teamed up with Halle Berry and a pair of attack dogs? I could watch that for days. The choreography of the fight scenes is perfect and I never felt like I was losing track of what was happening (which is a common problem with many modern actioners). This teases the forthcoming fourth installment in the series post-climax and I simply cannot wait to see how they could possibly top this. Honestly, Parabellum is easily the best action movie I've seen in a couple of years.

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