I really, really adore this episode. Another great season two episode that shows Parks and Rec getting into gear going forward. The Leslie/Ron story here is fantastic from Ron's delight in teasing Leslie that he won the coveted Woman of the Year award over Leslie to every subsequent shift in their dynamic in this episode. Nick Offerman and Amy Poehler are just so good to watch at this point and with the show about to hit its peak (IMO Seasons 3 and 4), there's a lot to be excited about going forward.

The cold open to this episode I think is worth a mention. It could be my favourite up to this point in the series, at least on impulse it leaves the strongest impression heretofore. I love the simple but brilliant handling of gender politics (if you will) in that opening scene and how both the male coach (who coaches the girls) and the female boys coach call out Leslie for her "sexist" assumptions. It's hilarious and adds a brilliant layer of comedy to the scene.

Tom is my least favourite character among the main crew and he can really grow thin on me but I enjoy his story here where he tries to go in on a share of his favourite nightclub in town. The appearance by Jean Ralphio really helps seal that storyline for me and with just two appearances by Ben Schwartz so far in the series, I can't believe how much I love him in this role and how much more I'm enjoying his character so far this time around compared to my first viewing of the show (where he could also grow thin and irritating, albeit by design).

The few moments with April and Andy here are fantastic too with April trying to help Andy find a place to live, which is more of an excuse on her part to spend time with Andy. Aubrey Plaza is just so endearing to watch as April awkwardly attempts to display her affection for Andy.

The episode certainly isn't perfect but I think each of the storylines come across quite nicely here. It's a season two episode where everything seems to hit for me and I love it for that.

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