I genuinely fucking loved Season 1. It has it's mistakes but overall is very entertaining.

The first part of Season 2 had a bit more noticeable mistakes/plotholes/stupidness and just felt like a rehash of S1. But because I already fell in love with the characters I still quite enjoyed it.

The second part of S2 is just bad IMO and makes me wish S1 was a miniseries with no follow up. Plotholes all around that are getting harder and harder to ignore (WTF was that shootout in episode 13?). Characters are acting even more stupid and annoying than before (why the fuck was Arturito even in this season?). Unnecessary plotlines (Nairobi? Lisbon at the end?)

It just feels like they ran out of ideas and are now just trying to squeeze as much money out of this as they possible can with minimable effort.

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