Shout by lawlizz

Grimm 2011

Well, I finished it. I wanted to like this show So. BAD. I love fantasy shows. I can tolerate police procedurals so long as the ensemble is good. And it wasn't entirely awful. I did finish all six seasons after all. But something just never clicked here.The cast never really gels, although there are a few true standouts (Monroe, Rosalee, Renard, Wu. God I love Wu and his much needed "we all know this is ridiculous" wisecracks.). The writing feels really lazy half the time. Characters make dumb decisions constantly to force the plot to some awful place that it really doesn't need to go. And then in season four, they basically reboot in a failed attempt to get somewhere more interesting than monster of the week. sigh It's just a trainwreck of a show. But worth the watch for fantasy buffs, And Sasha Roiz fans. Dzam, that man needs his own show.

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