Oof, I kinda agree with the girls here and kinda not. I'm a shy person too, so asking people out is definitely not my forte - but then I don't apply to a show where this aspect is pretty important. So I get where for example Ruka's anxieties come from (though imo it doesn't make him feminine if he's shy a bit), but it's still a little disappointing because they're literally in a show dedicated to guys and girls living together and asking each other out for dates.
I wouldn't categorize the other two guys under the "disappointing" label because they just seem to not have a crush on any of the girls. Like they mentioned, Shohei asking Kaori out was a big first step, but he really seems disinterested in her now (romantically). And Kenny... Well, he's a bit of a mystery for me at the moment - he expressed (physical) interest in Haruka, on the other hand I still think he's the cutest and most chill with Kaori.

Ruka climbing up the stairs on all fours is a big mood. xD
He was sooo cuuute! Although I still think it's just an "it didn't work out with Haruka, I see Risako only as a friend... let's see the last option!" kinda excuse. Like no, women (and men) are not just other options if something doesn't turn out well with the one you wanted. I despise the "somebody is better than nobody" mentality, so I truly hope he's genuine with Kaori.

Mkay, I'm not gonna declare that I like Haruka or hate Risako, but that was a reeeeally bitch move of the latter at the end... It was so clear that Risako wanted to humiliate Haruka (or at least make the situation awkward between her and Kenny) that I just wanted to slap her in the face. Not understanding others' feelings - my ass... of course you do, and you used it against a person who trusted you with theirs even though she was uncomfortable with telling.
I applaud Haruka for still trying to talk it out with Risako. Maybe it was because of the cameras, maybe it was genuine, but I, for one, definitely couldn't have faced(? Is it the right tense? idk anymore xd) Risako with a smile and kindly phrased questions after that. So kudos for Haruka, and a medium "fuck you" to Risako.

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