More over-sexualized garbage from this series. It's distracting, unnecessary, and completely un-Star Trek. It also makes the conflict between Enterprise and the Kreetassans seem more like a sub-plot. The writers should have thrown away all of the wet dream nonsense and had Archer stand up the to the Kreetassans about how HE was offended, and thus earning their lasting respect.

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@matadorbid Hardly un-Star Trek. The first season of the original series has the green skinned Orion girl. Very sexualized for the mid-60s. Considering Enterprise takes place before TOS, this is pretty much in line with what should be expected.

@wpafbo79 I have since finished Enterprise and started watching TOS for the first time. I see now that the spirit is there, with all of the miniskirts and male chauvinism that TOS brings. However, there have been three Star Trek series since that Enterprise also channels, and it feels very out of place to go back to this mindset of objectifying women so severely. There was definitely progress made between the sixties and the nineties that shouldn't have been ignored.

@matadorbid I agree that tNG, DS9, and Voyager, made huge strides in the 90s. I think they were trying to go for the same tone as TOS with Enterprise, but they did it in the wrong way. Enterprise was definitely done in a very 2000s way with lots of gratuitous seminudity. But are we really surprised? Viacom/CBS had a bigger role in Enterprise and it showed.
