This episode marks the introduction of Catwoman. Despite this being a two-part episode, the actual relationship between Catwoman and Batman feels oddly rushed, especially for the typically more stoic Batman.

The main plot of the episode involves a terrorist organization run by “Red Claw” trying to get a plague that Interpol apparently stole from her, to use for nefarious, terrorist purposes. Also she wants to buy land for some reason I never fully comprehended, and Selina Kyle, aka Catwoman, wants that land undeveloped so mountain lions and such can live there. Thus Catwoman becomes involved in a plot that barely has anything to do with her.

There’s a lot of Bruce and Selina flirting, but since it’s Bruce it’s hard to tell how genuine this is. Then there’s the minor sexism and the constant cat jokes, both of which I hate. There’s several boring, eye-rolling lines like “Lately I’m learning never to underestimate the opposite sex.” Please, stop. Also, the number of times it’s appropriate to make a “nine lives” joke in a Catwoman story is maybe once, but rest assured, you’ll hear it way more than that, along with classics like “Here, kitty, kitty.” Ugh.

A few other, minor points. First, Red Claw is a villain with potential that feels largely squandered – we barely get to see her in action. Second, the relationship between Selina and her ‘secretary’ Maven is 100%, definitely not platonic. Just saying.

This is an uneven two-parter with some good action scenes but a rushed romance and underutilized villain. Also light sexism and awful cat jokes. Not recommended.

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