I'm almost certain I've seen the whole cobalt poisoning hip replacement thing in some other show before. House, maybe?

For a season finale this episode was profoundly underwhelming. The whole season was pretty meh TBH.

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@abtr Remember, this wasn't supposed to be the season finale. They cut the season short when they had to stop filming due to COVID-19 precautions. There was supposed to be another 2-4 episodes coming this season.

@abtr Yes, cobalt poisoning appeared in House (Cuddy's mother, exactly). At least it's not Alzheimer's, that would be a "please someone finish this show now".

And also the case of the girl with moebius syndrome appeared in The Good Doctor. Is Krista Vernoff running out of ideas?

Either way, this shouldn't have been the end of the season, but they canceled the recordings for covid-19. We will have to wait a long time to see what will happen.

@abtr everything's been done before as they say, in real life Munchausen's by proxy is terribly rare, yet it pops up like clockwork on every medical drama ever made...
