Shout by Fran

Citizenfour 2014

Brilliant film on a terrifying subject. It's amazing to feel like you're witnessing history and that thankfully it was (mostly) all recorded. Like one of the speakers in the EU meeting mentioned, our generation is one that no longer finds anything shocking, and this didn't shock me in the slightest, most likely because it's a relatively old story, which has turned into general knowledge by now. Even so, it's still scary as shit and you find yourself thinking "well, as long as i follow the law nothing will happen to me" but that works as long as the law is democratic, what happens when it's not? (which is already happening in some places around the world). In all honesty, if i don't choose to ignore this, I dont think i can live in peace ever again. Anyways, if we're talking about cinematic achievements, this is definitely one of the greatest documentaries Ive watched, think, it's almost totally observational and let's you make your own conclusions, the footage is obviously relatively edited since they must have had so much to work with, but the important bits are included in an almost completely raw way, it's great.

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