You know what? I'm pissed at this episode. The end DOES NOT justify the means. You're pissed that your neighborhood's firehouse closed and now the response time isn't as fast, and have no better idea THAN TO DO THE EXACT SAME THING TO ANOTHER COMMUNITY by delaying the response time for other people and potentially putting their lives at risk? What if someone, or even multiple people, had died because of those idiots? Go chain yourself to the doors of City Hall. F*ck all those people. Especially the asshole who had nothing to do with anything and just showed up to make trouble and seek attention. I HATE those types of people. I hope they all went to jail.

On another note, why were Joe's bride's maid of honor and bridesmaids all people from the firehouse? Does the girl seriously not have any family or friends, that the whole wedding party were the groom's co-workers?

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