I like that we get more of Nick's backstory - he's by far one of my favourite characters, and I appreciate that we get to see this darker past that shows us why he's more accepting of Sabrina's bloodline than the others in the coven... But the fact that we'll probably not get this much development from him again - at least for a while - has me feeling a little disappointed. I'm pretty sure this was one of those one-off episodes where we focus on one of the other major characters to provide a little more variety in the overall season's episode's storylines, so it's coming off on a bit of a bittersweet moment for me. Obviously not all the major characters can have as much screentime ( or, in turn, development ) as Sabrina herself.

Am I the only one who doesn't agree with the oversexualisation of the teens? Having them dress much too provocatively, despite even acknowledging that they can very well embrace lust and sex... Sabrina's still supposed to be a minor, no? The only thing that anchors this in is her hesitation to sleep with anyone / Nick.

Now that Sabrina's left Baxter High, it doesn't quite make the whole Roz/Harvey thing feel any more ok than it should be - come to think of it, I couldn't imagine dating your friend's ex, even if it's clear they're done and over.

And I understand that it's - at least now, when I'm typing this - 2019/2020, but... The writers keep pushing the Suzie/Theo storyline in in a way that's not organic... Save for the part where he comes out to his dad - I'll give points for that scene and the one following it making me smile. But the rest of it has just felt too out of place for a show that should be revolving around witchcraft. It's like the writers just had to throw it in for some bonus culture points. Theo's just a token trans character, only there to give the writers of the show some applaud when it's frankly not quite deserved.

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