I enjoyed Penny Dreadful cause it was the show that "The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen" promised us to be and it delivered. It wasnt perfect but the cast and Eva Green's charms made it a trip never to forget.
Seeing the trailer for this sequel quickly made me realise this wouldn't be that show and seeing the first episode I still feel it isn't. In itself not a problem since it could turn out great but... Part of what made Penny Dreadful great was weaving these known characters into new stories without losing the essence of what they are.

As far as episode one of Penny Dreadful; City of Angels is concerned: if you enjoy racial stereotypes and, by now, tired stances on history and racial relations combined with the zombies of this decade (aka Nazi's) then I'm sure you'll enjoy it. This episode offered me nothing (Not so clever symbolisms and other imagery included) I haven't seen done in other shows these past 4 years - something that couldnt' be said about Penny Dreadful - and it doesn't bode well for the rest of the series.

I hope they prove me wrong... but I fear this will be one of those "current-agenda" series

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