Review by Kizz'n'Tell

All the Bright Places 2020

This movie shook me to the bones. I had a ton of opportunities to read the book but I've always dismissed it as a boring angst/teen drama. I can't believe how wrong I was.
This movie is true beyond belief, I don't see a person without any psychological problem to write this. As a person with this kind of problems it hit me hard with relatability and insights about how it looks. I could say it grazed only the surface and it could dig more but in reality, psychological problems are hidden, by people suffering from them, their families, society, we don't talk about them, we dismiss them, we cannot express them in words. So the movie did its justice.
I really believed, at the beginning, that a movie starting so depressing have to end happy. It didn't and I coudn't believe it. I think it hit me bc I have a similar problem as Finch did and in this, I saw one of the ways it could end. I'm so glad I watched it and I can't give it less than 10 stars.

For those who have problems with understanding the movie, just believe me, for some - it is exactly like that, and we can't sometimes understand it too. I'm gonna go read the book now.

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