Shout by cutecruel

Normal People 2020

Unpopular opinion. I thought, from the hype of Twitter, the show would be great. I don’t want to shit on everyone’s parade but Normal People is utterly boring.

Predictable story about two of the most boring people on earth thinking their relationship is so scandalous when it really isn't. Their problems would be solved if either of the main characters could hold an adult conversation instead of assuming the worst about every situation.

Normal People is very repetitive - literally just the same concept in each episode - Connell and Marianne are with new people, then broke up with those people and hooked up, got into fighting …. repeat. Cut 12 half-hour episodes into a 2-hour movie and you won’t miss absolutely anything from the plot.

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@cutecruel But that's what life is like, isn't it? So many things in relationships are predictable to other people, and their problems could be solved by adult conversations. But they're not. Which is why the novel is called "Normal People", and not "Utterly perfect extroverts who always know exactly what they have to do."

@nx If this is normal then I (and people around me) have a veeeeeery boring life. Of course, relationships are not the same or perfect but I don’t understand why people think this is the standard for modern romance.

Normal people’s lives don’t make for good stories as they are. That’s why the author kept thrown in random curve balls for the sake of orchestrating more and more unnecessary drama, SO many obstacles. The show book/show is just a repetitive cycle of hello-sex-bye between a girl and a boy. Endless miscommunications in books/movies drive me crazy. The number of inexplicable break-ups was about three or four break-ups too many for me to think this is actually normal.

It's called 'Normal People' to depict that it's okay not to feel 'normal' (both characters spent so much time wanting to be considered 'normal') nor to fit the status quo, not because the relationship between the two main characters is completely relatable to everyday relationships between people.

The show lacked conflict, followed popular teen tropes ("toxic relationships are totally interesting and hot") but just took itself very, very seriously.

@cutecruel - Thank you for the honest review -- and saving me the time of watching multiple episodes, assuming I must be missing something and if I "just watch one more" I'll see the appeal to the show. Oh how I wish I could recover the time I've spent watching horrible series that some rave about.

@cutecruel wish I had read your review before wasting my time on this series. Ah well! Genuinely surprised by the hype compared to how lacking it is. On all fronts. It's utterly boring and worst of all the characters are unlikable. I'm sorry but I couldn't care less about what happened to those self-absorbed people.
