Review by Bogex

Into the Night

Season 1

As you can see, it's a short season, and (imo) they didn't do too well with introducing the characters. Personally I heard one or two names (and even saw their faces) for the first time when someone was calling them. But like in the third or fourth episode.
There are about 3 characters who we get pretty decent amount of background info of (Sylvie, Mathieu and Ayaz), a few others who we get snippets of, and a few who we know just about the name, face and occupation of, and that's it. The series tried to concentrate on one person at a time (at least judging by the episode names), but they failed to show many characters' potential and past life.

Other than this bigger issue, Into the Night did awesome for me. The cast is good, the core idea (that the sunrays kill people) and the scenes (although sometimes predictable) kept me wanting to see more and now I'm definitely regretting watching the season knowing that the continuation will probably come next year. :sweat_smile:

And some problems/questions that occurred to me while watching the episodes:
- I didn't find it realistic that these many minorities could live in Belgium/Brussels that a "regular" plane has people of Italian, Moroccan, Turkish, Russian, Polish etc. ethnicity, so I looked it up, and was surprised to see that it could be an absolutely real scenario. Though it still bugs me a bit that they might've just overdone it with the huge variety of ethnicities, occupations and reasons of travelling for the sake of the show.
- At first they showed some interest in the animal that Dominik saw, but it didn't go much further than a few sentences. I know they had to run back to the plane, but I think in that situation people would be curious about how could an animal live through the sunrays. (We were even shown a dead rat(?) later in that episode or the next one, so they made it clear that not every animal could survive the light.)
- It may have been an inaccurate translation in the subs, but when they went to the base in the last episode, the nurse (sorry, I forgot her name) said that Terenzio had sex with Ines as if it was a fact. But wasn't that part just Terenzio's dream? Idk, she may have said it only as an assumption (that Terenzio looked at Ines like that), but the word-by-word subs said otherwise.
- There were some scenes similar to my point above, that the passengers pointed out or assumed something (like X and Y definitely did it while they were, idk, counting food) as if it was an obvious fact, but we, the viewers, got shown nothing. So sometimes it was like the characters knew/saw some things that we didn't. Which is another downside of the short season.

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