This is such a charming film and story, with a great love story and one of the most iconic protagonists of all time. It's just really sweet, and it made me so happy when watching it. That said, I'm so torn between giving it a 9 or an 8 because I'm soooo in love with the movie up until the moment where they sleep together, but everything that happens after that felt weird and Paul's whole "you belong to me" thing was incredibly off-putting, but I guess you have to try and contextualise these movies within the time they were made. I can't help but feel like he had a weird personality change tho, from caring and understanding, to possessive and unkind. It reminds me of that typical male character trope where they're only nice to women so they can get them naked, and if they don't put out, they turn gross and angry. But, I guess, if you try to look at it from the perspective of Holly being scared of love, because she has never truly experienced it before, and if you interpret "you belong to me" more as "you belong with me" or "we belong together", which I genuinely think was the intention in the film, then the weird attitude and slightly unnerving ending can be forgiven. I'll just have to see how I feel about it after a while.

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