Doctor Who's historical adventures are put to an end with this Doctor-defining serial that fails to bring anything new to the genre.

Story: 7

The story mostly relies on the Doctor's hilarious role-playing in order to get himself and his friends out of trouble. Other than that, it's pretty generic historical.

The Doctor's funny ways to take control, of situations are what makes this historical stand out among its peers, particularly when he plays a German doctor.

Acting: 8

Patrick Troughton has quickly found a footing in the series clearly finding his own way to portray the Doctor. His chemistry with Michael Craze is great.

The other actors are also pretty good, particularly Frazer Hines, who immediately convinces as new companion Jamie.

The Doctor: 10

The Doctor takes on different roles here to save his skin, and it's brilliant. It shows just how different this Doctor is from the Hartnell incarnation. Patrick Troughton plays these parts very well.

The Companions: 5

Polly has a largely boring subplot for most of the story, and she really doesn't get very much to do at all.

Ben doesn't do very much either, other than hanging around with Jamie.

The Monster/Villain: 5

Algernon Ffinch is one of these forgettable villains, even if he is pretty well-played.

Captain Trask is more memorable, but a pretty generic pirate character. Still better than Pike from The Smugglers, though.

Production: 7

This completely missing serial seems to have great production values, particularly the costumes and the scenes aboard the ship.

Pacing: 6

There's plenty of fighting and awkward situations, but most of it is lost with the reconstruction. The pacing feels okay, the story isn't a drag but also not particularly swift.

Atmosphere: 6

The story is set in a bloody and violent period, but that doesn't really come across onscreen. The story is funny more than exciting.

Impact: 7

The Highlanders is the last pure historical story on Doctor Who, until Black Orchid in 1982. It established Patrick Troughton's different incarnation of the Doctor and introduced the series' longest-running companion, Jamie McCrimmon.

Replay Value: 5

Since the story is completely missing, there's little reason to watch it again. Jamie and the Doctor have plenty of better moments that actually exist.

Random Observations:

"Doctor von Wer at your service"
"Doctor Who?"
"That's what I said!" xD

The Doctor playing a German doctor and banging a poor guys head on a desk to give him a headache is both brutal and hilarious.

Score: 66/120

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