Shout by Greg Enslen

Drive 2011

Wow. Not sure what people are thinking, calling this a modern classic? Nope. If you want that, see "Nightcrawler." Hell, "Baby Driver" is a better "getaway driver" movie and at least brings something inventive to the table. I watched this with much anticipation, having heard it was a great movie. Not really. Let's watch the two main characters stare at each other for long, soundless scenes, populate the film with ZERO interesting characters, and then top it of by having a main character with the emotional range of a toothpick (see what I did there). It's too bad - Gosling's a great actor (but not in this) and I loved the director's "Neon Demon." Oh well, you can't win them all...

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@genslen 'Baby Driver' is in a way the total opposite of this movie as a result from creative choices. Both have similar stories and are very stylistic, strongly choreographed and with an emphasis on music. But 'Baby Driver' is a very bright and upbeat movie, while 'Drive' is dark and slow. I think it could be an interesting case study to compare these two movies more in depth.
PS. Even though i do not share your opinion about 'Drive', I do also prefer 'Baby Driver'
PPS. Nightcrawler :metal:
