[7.5/10] After so much talk of them in prior episodes, I’m glad we finally got an episode with witches! This was more of a gag-heavy episode than a story episode, but I’m on board with that, especially when the gags are this good. Plus, there’s some fun, legitimately spooky elements here done well, which I always appreciate.

The one major arc here is Guillermo’s continuing to assert himself. I like how the other vamps are skeptical of his “getting a break” at first, and continue to treat him poorly, only for Guillermo to prove himself time and again. His being able not only to figure out which door to use via his understanding of Spanish, but parlaying his interesting in Shark Tank into a business opportunity with the semen-stealing witches is a funny throughline for him here. I also just appreciate his general orneriness about the whole thing, coming to realize that being a familiar is a racket and starting to rebel just a little.

The actual Witch stuff is tons of fun too. My favorite bit is, as always, Colin Robinson-related. His efforts to treat the room full of doors they’re shunted into by the witches as an escape room is very funny, and it fits the show’s trademark humor based on the mix of the supernatural and the mundane. The episode finds lots of amusing and creative things to do with that setup. I also appreciate him trying to take credit for the escape despite Guillermo being the one to figure it out, as always.

But the funniest moment in the episode may have been the head witch transforming into a Nadja-like outfit and everyone, especially Lazlo, being fooled. The extended gag of Lazlo being confused by everyone with long dark hair and sleeping with them is ridiculous but laugh-worthy, and the show plays it for all it’s worth. I also like Nadja’s borderline superstition about witches being responsible for every minor inconvenience.

Otherwise, the actual witch ceremony is worth a few laughs, particularly in Lazlo’s reaction to everything that’s happening. Plus, I love the homage to The VVitch with “Black Peter.”

Overall, a totally fun outing for the show that pays off a part of the supernatural community the show’s referenced several times but not shown until now!

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