Hank vs that one dude about 10 minutes in was by far the most scripted fight in this show yet. It looked and sounded so awful, I had to rewatch it a couple of times to make sure it was really that bad.

If I were Nick, I would have asked why Grimms even go through the effort of protecting the coins instead of destroying them.

Two big issues with the very end. One, I don't think it makes sense to be able to see a Wesen's temporary lapse on camera. If that's the case, a photograph would look like a human to a regular person and a Wesen to a Grimm. Doesn't add up.
The other issue is one that isn't too uncommon. I don't like when fantasy media reveal Hitler/[insert terrible person in history] was actually a monster/influenced by magic. This downplays the awfulness of these people by saying "hwy, they weren't really human/weren't really in control". Hitler is an example of the worst side of humanity. If you take away the human aspect, there's no lesson to be learned. He becomes just a typical monster doing typical monster things. What would have been more impactful is if Nick was convinced somehow or another that Hitler was a wesen and then realized that he was just a human. That's something tend to forget. Hitler and the other genocidal maniacs were indeed monsters, but they were human monsters...


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