How does it make you feel when I say the word... "moist"?

This was hands down the funnest episode of SHIELD we've had in a long while. Just pure unadulterated entertainment. Everything about it was brilliant. Jemma posing as Peggy was inspired (and she definitely enjoyed it too much lol). Daisy as a CIA agent was super badass. What May said about female pilots in the 40s and 50s was really interesting. I love it when I can actually come away from an episode having learned something. It was great to see Agent Sousa again too. And you know what? A big fat fuck you to Endgame for messing up him and Peggy. The Russos have such a weird obsession with Steve/Peggy that they completely ruined not just Peggy's arc from Agent Carter and her letting go of Steve and going on to find happiness again, but also Sharon Carter's character, who was treated like dirt and completely wasted in the movies. What a fucking shame. But back to the episode: I absolutely loved it and I actually think it might be a contender for my Top 10. I have 9 episodes picked out so far and still deciding on the 10th, so we'll see what the rest of the season has in store. Honestly, SHIELD has gotten so dark over the years, which isn't a negative thing because it's obviously given us so many great stories, but I have to say, I'm loving this return to super spy shenanigans. The season 1 vibes are strong in this one. Oh, and the title cards changing to reflect every new time period! I love that so much.

Now, for the next installment in the 10 Episodes I Vibed With The Most Over The Years series:
1x17 "Turn, Turn, Turn"
I'm not gonna lie, I don't remember what happens in most of this episode for shit except for the last two minutes, but those two minutes alone deserve a spot on this list because of how utterly game-changing they were for the show. You know what I'm talking about. Don't pretend you didn't gasp when Grant Ward, that smug motherfucker, shot Victoria Hand point blank and it was revealed that yes, he was Hydra all along! That was Top 10 Anime Betrayals at its finest, my dudes. I still remember the pure shock and horror of that moment. That changed the very fabric of what Agents of SHIELD was. It was also the one and only time when the connection to the movies actually benefited the show. I had to include it because it was truly iconic and a major turning point. Its repecussions carried well into later seasons and gave us so many great storylines.

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