I'm absolutely not satisfied with this ending. I thought we would hear more about Clay's mental health diagnoses, more attention to Zach and his spiraling out of control, actual reasons for Winston's "I know what you did" obsession. But everything felt so unsatisfying to me.

  • Clay and Zach got randomly better because of course they did. At least Clay got therapy, but considering how bad he was he should have stayed in a hospital/psych ward for a while. He needed serious help. He had hallucinations, he pointed guns at people, he put himself and others in danger etc. And Zach needed some help as well, but... he got better? Just like that? What was the point of his character change/behavior in this season?
  • Winston was just there for some random pressure among the group members I guess, but actually he was just there for Alex to figure out his sexuality. We could have just used Charlie for that from the beginning. I still don't really get Winston's obsession with Monty when they hooked up like twice.
  • Jessica really annoyed me in this season, especially when Justin broke up with her to get better, she bounced between Justin and Diego, just to end up back together with Justin right before he dies so they can confess their love for each other, just then to have her basically end up with Diego again? Ugh.
  • And Clay doesn't need another love interest either. When do show writers learn that characters don't need romantic relationships to have a happy ending?
  • Justin's diagnosis was foreshadowed in previous episodes, but it still feels weirdly unnecessary, even frustrating tbh. He is one of the characters who actually deserved a happy ending. He worked hard on himself. But instead he dies and all other characters suddenly get great future possibilities? Ugh again.

I could probably keep going because these are just the complaints that I can think of immediately after finishing this season.

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