Review by Ritesh Mohapatra

Dark 2017

DARK (2017) S01 REVIEW ⏱
:scroll: Plot : A family saga with a supernatural twist, set in a German town Winden, where the disappearance of two young children exposes the relationships among four families and leads to unconventional happenings.
:man:‍⚖ Review : Dark by Netflix is a German show is arguably the best of scripts turned reality in reel world. Dark is difficult to watch but at the same time infectious enough to stop watching it. The Mystery and Eerie Environment and the Goofy Background Music elevates the atmosphere around you and keeps you hooked. Though the story takes time to set it's tone but leaves you with questions and more questions after each episode which you become desperate to get answers for. The narrative demands your patience and your brain. It's a show where you make your own theories to predict the next twist. Dark is a puzzle to be solved. Dark is gripping, captivating and true to its title.
:thumbsup:Goods : The Narrative of script by Baran bo odar is magnificent. The Screenplay and Cinematography with the Outstanding BGM Sets the mood from get go.
:thumbsdown: Bads : Tests your patience. Not a Entertaining Show but a Challenging show to understand and deep dive into.
:fire: Final Rating : 8.5/10
:white_check_mark: Recommendation : A Must Watch for someone who is looking for something fresh and unique. A Brilliant Show.. Season 2 Here I Come..
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