This was a massive step-up from the premiere. But while I want to give it an eight, I'm going to have to go with a seven. The only difference is that this time, the seven is much closer to an eight.

The Dr. Tyme sequence was easily the highlight of the episode. So peculiar and very like Doom Patrol. But I think Cliff's assessment about him is off the mark. He's probably more than not that bad, by Doom Patrol's standards, as he thinks.

At the same time, I imagine the Candlemaker or Wishmaker, whatever its name is, is probably the most dangerous and will be the biggest problem. Well, Dorothy probably is, and by extension, her imaginary friends. Furthermore, I wonder if the candle guy is more than an imaginary friend. Maybe he's some sort of creature that came to be, in her mind, when she did, whereas, all of her other imaginary friends were imagined into existence. That could be interesting. I'm sure there's something more to that guy, in a very unique and interestingly creative way. A level of creativity of which Doom Patrol is probably one of a few dozen, at the very least, forms of fiction that have reached it. But I don't think it'll be super Doom Patrol-esque, per se. If that makes any sense.

Plus, I don't think Dr. Tyme will be that prominent once the continuinium is obtained, though that's easier said than done, of course. Taking that into account, he probably won't have a minor role or something like that, and to be fair, that's somewhat of the case, already. The continuinium required to slow down Niles' aging is in his possession, which is a pretty big deal, and I imagine that's an important plotline unless Niles is bound to die. Or some other solution will be concocted.

Victor's plotline was the weakest part of the episode but this was merely the start of it, the start of what will end up going somewhere, I'd imagine. It's just a matter of whether or not it'll start to become more attention-grabbing, for me. But I'm sure that will happen. I'm not worried about it. And on the off-chance that it doesn't, well, I doubt I'll consider it to be that big of a deal.

Lastly, Larry's part in this episode was up-there with the Dr. Tyme segment in terms of what I enjoyed the most about it. I think the writers could've found a way to extend what happened to be a little longer than it was, for length's sake, mostly for there to be more of Larry and without it feeling like there's too much of him. That would've been nice and I'm sure I'd have enjoyed what went on with him in this episode even more than I did with what we got.

All-in-all, in this episode, points to be focused on are slowly being developed. It was better than the premiere but is still in the process of getting into the groove. And that's to be expected. I mean, this is the second episode. What exactly did you expect, otherwise? I enjoyed it, just in a different sense, and that's coming from someone who probably wouldn't have enjoyed it as much, even in the different sense of enjoyment, if at all, in the past. I guess my outlook on what I watch is evolving, hopefully.

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