Shout by jezzfreeman1986

Guardians 2017

Obviously a fairly large budget went into this movie, but they failed to spend any real money on decent actors. Pain, fear, shock and awe just revolve around the opening of the mouth (especially from the hot invisible chick).
Bear man looked ok when he was a bear man, and when he was a man. The transmorphing was bit questionable. Even more questionable was the fact that when he went full bear (twice in the same final big battle), his trousers were ripped apart where he increased in size. Both times when he then appeared in man form, he had trousers back on. Don’t get me wrong, I’m glad he didn’t just have his junk dangling about, but continuity is important.
Subtitles seemed like they were written by a Neanderthal, with lines such as “but I realise the change me” and “tonight the painful and embarrassing”.
Aside from criticisms, it was a fairly enjoyable movie, however I won’t ever be watching it again. Plus, invisible chick is hot.

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