Review by Vero
BlockedParentSpoilers2020-06-29T10:03:45Z— updated 2020-06-30T20:45:27Z

This show's something else. There's so much to unpack each episode and I'm 100% sure that, if someone had seen my face during this episode would've been worried about me.

Am I the only one who paused for like 10 minutes when the family tree appeared and was like, wtf does all of this mean? I've always struggled with generations, family trees and guessing who's who. No matter the language. Even in my native one. And so I needed to make sure I understood all the connections before moving onto the ending.

Another show would've just saved the family tree for later in the season but not Dark. I can't believe that they gave us the whole family tree from two different worlds and it's just episode 2!!! This show is on a whole norther level.

I always suspected that Agnes' husband was important somehow, but he's the key to everything. Holy Molly! If we know who Tronte's father is... Damn, this show!

So, let's summarize my thoughts 'cause otherwise I'll drive myself nuts. Noah's father is Bartosz together with a Silja, who, I'm guessing, is the girl from the future. So that means that Bartosz was killed by his own son and had an affair with Martha, who's Turan out to be his second cousin twice removed (or something) and his own great grand daughter in alternate world. Seriously, my head hurts.

I remember that I was always curious to know who Tronte's dad was and in my recent re-watch of the season, I remember Agnes saying that Tronte's dad was a priest. So, I'm guessing, maybe Peter? I don't know. Maybe I'm reading too much into it.

One of the bits I'm loving the most is the generation trio. I'm both mesmerized and terrified by them. It's so weird to explain.

Ulrich and Katharina. My heart hurts. It was really touching and it hurt me more than I expected. Old Ulrich actor is AMAZING. You can see the pain in his eyes. I still remember the day when I thought it was just the same actor with make-up on. This is seriously one of my favorite scenes on the show.

I've always been against adults terrifying children or just even pushing them, but when Katharina pushed young Hannah against the wall and told her to keep her hands off of Ulrich and Mikkel I was like, there you go girl!!!

And that poor Claudia's secretary! Did anyone else think she was pregnant? Poor girl. I loved the scene when she told Tronte that everything started with that white-haired woman and her dog. Like, go Gretchen! She definitely has a part to play.

And the father of the year award was to Tronte. I can't believe how messed up this show is. In order to save Regina, Claudia has to ask Tronte to kill their daughter in order to push Claudia to be more focused and save everyone.

Also, how the hell did Tronte survive the apocalypse? He wasn't even in the bunker. And young Noah talking to Elizabeth. Something tells me that Elizabeth would be the one killing her father. This is one relationship I'm looking forward to getting to know more about.

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@vero-winchester :exploding_head::exploding_head::exploding_head: Old Ulrich is not played by Oliver Masucci, i always thought it was make-up but it's another actor, Winfried Glatzeder!
Thanks for the info !

@phoenix-calypso The fact that a vast majority (me included) thought that it was the same actor with prosthetics speaks volumes about the amazing casting they've done for the show. Up to one point, I'm gonna start to think that even the actors are closely related to one another.
