Shout by Dann Michalski

Stranger Things

Season 3

A killer Fourth of July awaits the town of Hawkins in Season 3 of Stranger Things. This time Mike and his friends uncover a secret Russian cabal that’s attempting to reopen the gate to the Upside Down; meanwhile the Mind Falyer begins possessing people and builds an army. The show does some clever things using a mall motif and continues to tap into ‘80s nostalgia. But it goes a little too far and gets kind of ridiculous bringing in the Russians. And the child actors are getting a little too old, and have lost a bit of the charm that they had in the beginning. However, some new actors are brought in to freshen things up, and the action is as intense and exciting as ever (though it tends to be more horror focused then previous seasons). Succumbing to the law of diminishing returns, Stranger Things’ third season, while entertaining and fun, stretches for material and has taken the story of Hawkins about as far as it can go.

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