I'm sure the writers had a second name for the show and it was: "what the actual F is going on. I don't understand shit". That wasn't too commercial and they stuck with "Dark".

My sister asked me yesterday why the show is called Dark. Well, I guess we just found out.

My stomach actually hurts. This was by far the saddest and best episode of Dark. I loved it more than words can describe, but it got really dark.

I love how the more you watch, the more tragic their lives get. I rememeber thinking nothing could be more tragic than Mikkel's. Then, Ulrich's. But Katharina's life is so freaking tragic. That poor thing got killed by her own mother who then went back home to abuse her at a young age. And the same day she's killed, Mikkel returns to the same home she's been living in for God knows how long. Seriously, that scene with the broken window and Mikkel looking at it got to me the most. Well, that and Ulrich waiting for Katharina at the entrance. Two really powerful scenes. I'm heartbroken just thinking about him standing there waiting for her to rescue him and see their son again.

Also, that scene in season two, when they're at the lake and Bartosz's telling the story of a lady who downed in the lake to scare Martha, he was talking about Katharina! That's just messed up. So Bartosz scared Martha with a tale about Martha's mum pulling her down in the lake. This episode made one of the happiest scene on the whole show look even darker.

The scene of Helene abusing young Katharina was brutal. She's abused by her mother, doesn't want to have kids because she'll end up like her mother, has three kids, her husband cheats on her with Hannah, who also sleeps with her son and who she's named after, then her son Mikkel goes missing, she ends up neglecting her other kids, her husband also goes missing and is trapped in an asylum, she goes back to save him and ends up being murdered by her own mother without seeing her son.

Also, the trailer scene with Elizabeth and Peter was beautifully shot. It felt like a nightmare. And the fact that she's deaf made it 10 times worse. I got the feeling that Elizabeth was gonna end up killing Peter and that it was gonna be the cause of her change from sweet girl to a badass in the future. But I guess I was wrong although, if she hadn't picked up that pocket knife, Peter wouldn't have probably died.

By looking at the paper where young Noah wrote I realized it looks like he was saying that Charlotte and Elizabeth were at the caves, which is technically true.

Also, who was that guy at the RV? At first, I thought it was Erik's dad, but I'm inclined to believe that it was just a random guy.

And what's the deal with H. G. Tannhaus' son? He spoke about two women who seemed delivering him Charlotte. I bet they were adult Elizabeth and Charlotte, who went back to the past sent by Adam to kidnap young Charlotte and deliver her to Tannhaus.

Now, our Jonas getting killed was shocking but as previous events have shown, this Jonas' only purpose was to sleep with Alt-Martha, get her pregnant and so create the whole family tree. So there were, in fact, two Jonas. Like Schrödiger Jonas. Two different decisions at the same moment created two different versions of Jonas. So, since adult Jonas is the one that ends up being Adam, our Jonas was sort of a time remnant (in The Flash terms), someone who exists with just one purpose. Sort of like a Meeseeks type of thing. You exist with one purpose and once that purpose is completed, you disappear. And suddenly, Jonas' transformation into Adam starts to make sense.

Also, that last shot of Jonas on the floor with the family trees definitely looked like wings.

I love the mirroring this season. In our world, Adam killed Martha. And now, Martha kills Jonas. The irony. Also, there were waaaay too many Marthas in that room.

In another show, I wouldn't give it much thought but this is Dark so, what did Alt-Martha want to say to Jonas in the morning when they woke up? She stopped herself from talking. I'm sure it means something.

I couldn't help but laughing when Charlotte and Peter were talking and they said "She's not deaf, you know" in front of Elizabeth.

The journey the Saint Christopher's locket has been on is amazing. So it started with Egon Tiedemann, who gave it to Hannah/Katharina, who gave it to young Helene, who lost it in the lake to be found years later by Jonas and Martha repaired it and gave it to Jonas who then gave it to Alt-Martha. That's quite a journey it's been on.

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Interesting thought with the time-remnant analogy. That would also explain why adult Jonas (back in 1888) has no memory of meeting an alt-Martha back then.

OTOH, in that case, where's the "real" young Jonas that eventually grows into adult Jonas (and thus into Adam)?

Or are we going to find that when alt-Martha showed up to collect him, she actually somehow sent the "real" Jonas somewhere/somewhen safe from the imminent Apocalypse (from which he has not yet emerged) while branching off the remnant to bring home...?

Arrggh. Brain hurt.
