Shout by Yarna


Season 3

This did not reach the heights of season 2 in pretty much any way, sadly.

Here's the thing, my enjoyment of the show is directly tied to how much I believe House cares about the people in his life. Yes, he won't show it. He will even try to actively hide it. But deep down, I want to believe that he does care. S2 was good for this. S3, not so much. They pretty much spent the whole season actively undoing the notion that he cares about anyone. It leaves me with a bitter taste in my mouth.

Also, I'm really not sold on Cameron's turn around on having a relationship with Chase right at the very end there. She seemed pretty clear that she wasn't interested in being in a relationship with him, and had plenty of opportunities to reconsider that position before now. Was it because Chase, who had just been fired, is now wounded and therefore now someone she can save? I would have liked more explanation for this apparent change of heart and sudden resignation from her job.

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