Trakt ate my original comment. I was on a roll but not sure if it’s worth the effort now. The titled is very clearly misspelled. Reported it to Netflix, so let’s see how long it persists incorrectly.

Somehow in between episodes her leg goes from the festering cut we’ve seen to a huge mark on her leg and still no one notices or says anything? She can’t even walk properly anymore. No all star track athlete would ever ignore such an issue at all let alone that long. It is borderline offensive how dumb this girl is being written, incapable of even the most basic things. Don’t even get me started on the balloon breaking the sound barrier and spontaneous blizzard temperatures while the clouds remain stationary... I motherfucking called it! Her own stupidity causes her to lose her leg for absolutely no good reason, so she does deserve it. Although, I highly doubt with all the seawater and the minor nature of the original cut that she would have gotten a bone infection... that’s a bit farfetched. Maybe sepsis or necrosis would be more likely, if anything. What a waste of a leg... how does an elementary school aged kid get his mom’s wedding band as an eyebrow ring? How could he have represented Estonia? He was only eligible for dual citizenship as Japanese and Filipino... why is she doing long jump instead of the relay? Plus, who runs 50+m for their long jump? At least KITE survives. He was cool.

This show failed in my eyes. It lacked consistent, good writing. It had a great premise with a lot of potential... but many things that happened break the suspension of disbelief in a viewer because they are fabricated for a dramatic effect, break physical laws, or ignore obvious intelligent decisions. There are too many contrivances. People make irrational and illogical decisions for absolutely no reason multiples times. Story way underperformed for the premise it started with at the beginning.

Music and sound was great. Some amazing backdrops and still scenes. The art does a good job of showing how ugly human emotions can be at times.

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