Review by KyriaCrosszeria

Outer Banks: Season 1

1x06 Parcel 9

I'm not really satisfied by that make-up between Sarah and Kiara. Or the way they worked up to it and then had a pretty weak resolve. Kie was so adamant about Sarah "ditching everyone" and "taking everything for herself". We got the resolve for her "ditching", which she explained herself she does with everyone who gets too close, but for Kie to be so specific about having everything taken, or Sarah taking what is yours for herself just because she can, that wasn't touched upon at all. If there really had been something between them in the past, it would have to be resolved in this episode, instead they just dropped it like that was never a thing, or Kie just over-dramatising things.

These kids are also pretty cough dumb with their flashlights in this show, like way back when they were running from attackers with their lights on, like, come on. But I forgive that, cause I like the show in itself.
Just like I forgive the terrible rope-game. Do you not know how to let someone safely down a cliff/other surface?

I'm wondering about Sarah's dad. Other the fact how they alluded to that he might be the mysterious killer? And him "knowing more than he lets on", I'm just talking about his personality here. So the kids both know he has a tendency to explode, while otherwise seeming like a rather benign and gentle father (especially to Sarah). But after the whole scene with Rafe and Billy, somehow I don't really trust him anymore with being so cool about Sarah and her "mystery boys", where all he said was basically "choose well", like he trusts her and her decisions entirely. Maybe he does, but... I'm just not sure he'd be so chill if he found out Sarah were slipping up.

Other than that, I feel little pity when it's about Rafe. Although his father has definite anger-management issues (although him not really noticably getting angry, just suddenly jumping at your throat or starting to kick the life out of you rings more socio/psychopath bells than "anger issues" lmao), I find his words/"actions" justified – not when it comes to Billy, but the whole "You're a thief and a liar, don't come back home", I get that, somehow. Rafe is a spoiled brat and needs to learn that life is a bit different when you don't get dollar bills stuffed up your ass by daddy, or when you can't steal his cash.

As for character creation, I'm just not entirely sure whether you can justify a) dad's borderline-split personality in general b) for it to only affect one kid c) how Sarah seems so balanced apart from the issues with closeness and her brother being a thief/liar/violent person/drug addict hmmmmmmm.

Also, how is a bunch of kids realistically going to turn marked gold into actual money? So many people are looking for it. A lot will know what the markings mean. It's unlikely the kids can go heist the entirety of it by themselves without anyone noticing. And then what, do they know people on the black market? :upside_down:

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